Getting Started
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Core APIs
Feature APIs


Before we dig in to the API, let's get you set up!

Install your table adapter as a dependency using your favorite npm package manager.

Only install ONE of the following packages:

React Table

npm install @tanstack/react-table
npm install @tanstack/react-table

The @tanstack/react-table package works with React 16.8, React 17, React 18, and React 19.

Vue Table

npm install @tanstack/vue-table
npm install @tanstack/vue-table

The @tanstack/vue-table package works with Vue 3.

Solid Table

npm install @tanstack/solid-table
npm install @tanstack/solid-table

The @tanstack/solid-table package works with Solid-JS 1

Svelte Table

npm install @tanstack/svelte-table
npm install @tanstack/svelte-table

The @tanstack/svelte-table package works with Svelte 3 and Svelte 4.

NOTE: There is not a built-in Svelte 5 adapter yet, but you can still use TanStack Table with Svelte 5 by installing the @tanstack/table-core package and using a custom adapter from the community. See this PR for inspiration.

Qwik Table

npm install @tanstack/qwik-table
npm install @tanstack/qwik-table

The @tanstack/qwik-table package works with Qwik 1.

NOTE: There will be a "breaking change" release in the near future to support Qwik 2. This will be released as a minor version bump, but will be documented. Qwik 2 itself will have no breaking changes, but its name on the npm registry will change, and require different peer dependencies.

Angular Table

(Coming Soon) - Help with this adapter is needed! See this PR if you want to help, or use as inspiration for your own adapter.

The official TanStack Table Angular adapter will most likely only work with Angular 17+ and use a "signals" implementation for state management.

Table Core (no framework)

npm install @tanstack/table-core
npm install @tanstack/table-core

Don't see your favorite framework (or favorite version of your framework) listed? You can always just use the @tanstack/table-core package and build your own adapter in your own codebase. Usually, only a thin wrapper is needed to manage state and rendering for your specific framework. Browse the source code of all of the other adapters to see how they work.

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